A trip interspersed by meetings which render unique ours experiences and it's why I would like to thank all those people who made this trip exceptional and particularly to:


Beth & Steve who welcomed me in Townsville taking time to show me their city but also to borrow me their house to totally enjoy ours hollidays.


Nika, Marco & Matteo for those 3 months in Atherton


Jasmine & Jason for those many moments in their house, for the Bundaberg red and for all those precious tips


My buddy Flo, his mom, his brother and his grand-mother for this welcoming in Noumea and for those dreaming hollidays but also to Quentin for his kindness and to take time to show me New-Caledonia, to JP for his craziness and those parties and to Amé  for this magical escapade.


Jamie who avoid the end of our trip by pulling out in Dundee on the beach, taking his days-off to help us, to invited us in his house and to showing us beuatiful places of his region.


Amber & Kevin to welcome us so nicely and to show us their region in the best way.


Debby & Paul who invited us for few days in a moment we really need it and to gave us the feeling we were at home.


Finaly Ale with whom I passed more than 3 months for his joy of life and his mood without these months would have been toilsome. I will keep countless memories