Isle of Pine

Isle of Pine owes it name from trees on the island which are Araucaria columnaris also named New-Caledonia Pines. The island is nicknamed "the closest island to paradise" by Japaneses and I understood why.

Indeed, the white sand on the island is the most white sand that I had ever seen. It's the first time that I really needed sunglasses. The water color is also unbelievable and even offshore, we can see tens meters under water.

We spent those days enjoying those ones and relaxing, but the most amazing things was the boat excursion that we did. First of all, we went on the Kutomere atoll in the middle of the ocean where we saw the limits of the reef and the greens, blues and turquoises colors of the water. Then we went to the Ilot Brosse which was also offering beautiful colors where we snorkeled and where we saw sea snakes. To top it off, We stopped on the Moro Island where a meal was waiting for us. But the surprise was big when we were welcomed with decorations made with flowers, shells, hammocks. We received a fresh juice when we arrived and then, we received a huge tray of lobsters and another one with a big fish and veggies. All of this was cooked on fire. After the meal, we relaxed on hammocks with a good coffee.


This stay was unforgettable and I won't thank you enough Flo and his mom.