Noumea and surroundings

Capital of New-Caledonia, Noumea was during 1 month, the place of many experiences for me. I discovered Caledonia culture thanks to my friend Flo, his family - moreover his wonderful mom - and his friends with a special thank to Quentin.

Noumea is the perfect place to enjoy beaches, many water sports and to discover the specific lifestyle of islands.

Isle of Pine

Nicknamed "closest island from paradise" rightly, the Isle of Pine is the perfect place to chill and relax. With its pure white sand beaches and the transparent water, it's making a place to see at least once in your life.

This island  have his name in reference of the New-Caledonia pine which are everywhere on the island.

Pop Light

Spending to much time over there, I should mentioned this nightclub. Built over the water, it's a famous place for the Noumea nights. On the terrace you can observe fishes, cuttlefishes but also a dolphin who comes sometimes.

Saint-Michel's milkshakes

If you have never tried the Saint-Michel milkshakes, you don't know what is a tasty milkshake.

This local producer in Caledonia proposes milk-shake for 200 francs. Realized with the fresh milk of his cows and with fresh fruits the taste is amazing and the 'Pomme-liane' (passion fruit) is the best one!