Windjana Gorge / Tunnel Creek

These two sites are located in the Kimberley region, which is the wildest  and with the most difficult access in Australia. Firstly we didn't want to visit these two spots because we were sure we needed to take the Gibbs Road.


** Gibbs Road: Extending in more than 600 km, the Gibbs Road needs a real 4wd, petrol stocks, food, spare wheels,... Indeed, there is no mobile network, the population density is 0,1 inh/km² and there are many river crossings.**


Thus, we didn't risk to take this road, especially because our 4x4 was lower than a real one. By looking on the apps wikicamp, we found a magical spot to spend the night where we met 2 frenchies who adviced us  to keep going on the unsalted road that we took to come here and to reach Windjana. Lucky we were to meet them because those places were gorgeous.


Windjana Gorge: these Gorges were impressive by the color and the ride was pleasant.  However the most impressive thing was.... THE HUNDRED OF CROCS on the way! It was freshwater crocodiles so they were normally not aggressive, but it was impressive. 


Tunnel Creek: When we arrived, we started the walk without equipment but we had to turn back to get a flashlight. Indeed, underground, it is completely dark and the light was primordial. The ride was a few kilometers and we crossed many watercourses. We also saw nests of giant bats.

But the scariest was a crocodile which was hiding on the cave and people we met on the way told us to be careful because of this crocodile. However, we were on a deep dark area and it was impossible to see more than 2 meters in front of us even with the light. So we decided to progress slowly. Finally, we saw two yellow points on the water with the flashlight and we directly knew it was the eyes of the crocodile. We had to cross water at this moment so we kept the light on the crocodile to be sure he didn't move.


At the end of the grotto, a little pool permitted to have a bath.