Shark Bay: Shell Beach/Monkey Mia/François Péron

Shark Bay is a concentrate of wonderful places where we didn't spend enough time. The main locations are:


- Hamelin Pool: We observed stromatolites on this jetty. Those one are the oldest organisms of the planet and there are alive fossils. 


- Shell Beach: As its name suggests , it's a 120-km-long and 20-m-deep beach without sand made out of shells.


- Monkey Mia: This is a resort quite touristic where the main attraction is the dolphins feeding. Indeed, during the last century, fishermen on this place threw the rests  on the sea and since this time, dolphins used to eat every morning. Thus, those dolphins are wild. Volunteers of Monkey Mia were choosing persons on the public to feed dolphins and Kamilia was chosen. She looked like a child due to his excitation.


- Eagle Bluff: Point of view on huge and beautiful cliffs, it was also possible to fish from this point and to sleep around this place.


- François Péron: Firstly this national Park is the 4x4 Four wheel Drive paradise given the park is only accessible by them. They also forbid the entrance to the  AWD (All Wheel Drive)


       ** AWD= All Wheel Drive ; 4WD= Four Wheel Drive

             The difference is that in AWDs, the 4 wheels receive in permanence power and this is controlled electronically. For the 4WDs it's different because each wheel will receive power just if we activate the mode and this mode can't be used on salted roads. On 4WDs there is generally the mode 4L 'Four Low' to receive a lot of power and pass easily difficult parts. **


                           The François Péron National Park is composed essentially with sand, so power from car was important. However, I decided to take the risk with my AWD Subaru deflating more the tyres than recommanded to have a better grip and at the end, we did it even if it was not easy and if we got some fright.

The beaches in François Péron were a contrast of magical colors. In fact, the sand was extremely white and tied to a red sand and a transparent, turquoise water which was darker per moment. An extraordinary wildlife is also present (whale sharks, dugongs, thorny devils (voir photos ici),...)