
Karijini national park was the favorite national park for all the people we've met on the road but also our. This park offers gorges, waterfalls, bath spots, millions of colors, a peak with a view on all the park and on mines, many treks and a wonderful wildlife.


The first day, we walked along the stream and we did the trails of Gorges Rim, Fortescue Falls, Circular Pool and of Dales Gorge where we swam at the arrival.  All those treks were so peaceful due to the sound of water.


The next day, we started the day with the climbing of 9km of the Mount Bruce. At the peak a fabulous view of all the region and on mines was awaiting us. Reds and purples plants, wallabies and geckos were also here.

Then, we drove to 'Hancock and Weano Gorges'. We first did the Hancock Gorge trek which started with a descent until the watercourse. We had at this moment 2 options: Climb to avoid the water and don't be wet or walk in water on slippery rocks. Kamilia chose the second option and she felt into water. The end of the trek was the spider wall. Here we needed to lean in both side of the wall (see pictures below). We had a bath at the end of the ride in a cold water.

To finish, we did the "Handrail Pool, Weano Gorge" trek. This one was a class 5 as the two others hikes, which is the most difficult level. Here, we downed along a slippery rock wall to arrive on a water hole with an almost dry waterfall.


Karijini was one of our favorite national park for its beauty and the diversity of the trails.