
Firstly, we didn't plan to stop in Kalbarri which was for us without any interest. However, we had a issue with the car and we had to stop to see a mechanic. The problem was we were traveling since more than 2 months and we didn't have money to fix it. Thus, the mechanic proposed us a cheap solution but he needs few days. Unfortunately, nights in Kalbarri were minimum 80$ so we decided to try for the first time the service 'HelpX'.


         ** HelpX: Same system than woofing, this service proposes to receive meals and accommodation in exchange of work on a family. Compare to the woofing, HelpX is not essentially on farms.**


So, we checked offers and after 5 minutes we called one family which is directly came to pick us up. At this stage, we wanted to stay  2 or 3 days maximum but at the end we stayed 3 weeks due to an amazing experience!


The morning, we were working 4 hours. I was helping in their parrots center 'Rainbow Jungle' (website) where I fed parrots and helped on different ways while Kamilia was taking care about the house and pets. After this 4 hours we were free to enjoy Kalbarri.


There is also an open cinema every Saturday where we were most than welcome and the rest of the time we did:

- Walks in the beautiful Kalbarri national park with it 'Natural Window', its kangaroos, wallabies, parrots, snakes,...


- Rides every nights on the bush with their quad to finish on the beach and enjoying a beer and the sunset.


- Walks along the impressive cliffs of Kalbarri in front of the Indian ocean


- A trip with Rob, a friend of the family we were to go to fish. Firstly we took a bark where we put a buggy car to cross the sea inlet. Then, we kept going with the buggy on dunes to arrive on a desert beach where we drove during kilometers to stop at the end on the middle of nowhere. We started to fish at this moment with a beer and cooking sausages. We stayed until the dusk and we caught 2 huge Mulloways. That was amazing and fishes were delicious. (For information he proposed now tours here )


We also fished crayfishes , tryed to fish crabs, took honey directly from swarm bees, saw the pink lake, went to the Hutt River principality, snorkeled and enjoyed the locale life.


Those 3 weeks were unbelievable for the beauty of the city of Kalbarri and for the experiences that we had with Amber and Kevin that we couldn't thanks enought. We think that we could live few years on this little city.