
Unknown by tourists, we found this site by internet searching to know about the best places to snorkel in Australia. This place is for the moment one of the best  we saw. However, we don't have any underwater pictures and not a lot of the place. This one is also well-known by surfers with unbelievable tubes, even if there are sharks. Australians say there is normally no risk...


First of all, when you leave the main road, you arrive in the Blowholes. These one are holes where water comes and with the pressure, water sprays out. Then, you have to keep going on a sandy and unsalted road with many holes and hard to take. This part was horrible. Then, you will arrive at a first camp, which is '3 miles' camp. The night is expensive but is worth the price.


At this moment, we hadn't seen any whales yet and we started to despair to see one.... But the next morning, we decided to open the tent early and at this moment...  WE SAW WHALES FROM OUR BED! Whales were so close and they were jumping. We watched this show from our tent during 30 minutes and also a shark who was enjoying the waves.


After this amazing morning, we went snorkeling at the spot of our campsite. Unfortunately, many corals were dead because people were not respecting the place.  So we decided to keep going on the road to arrive at Gnaraloo. Arriving, we admired a sea with all range of blue tones possible. In fact, there were currents, depth differences with corals, powerful sun so we guess water took all the colors from those elements. 

We climbed up the beach to go on water to snorkel to be led by the current. Indeed,  the strong current took us back at the initial point. We saw green, red, blue,pink... corals, amazing fishes of all different sizes, starfishes, sea cucumbers,...

At the end, we were ready to go out of the water but at this moment we saw a manta ray! This moment was amazing even if we were pretty scared. 


This place was magical and it'll stay one of our best memories. Pictures are unfortunately not reflecting all of this.


To leave this place, we took a Croatian girl who was waiting since the beginning of the day along the road. We didn't have any space in the car but we took her anyway and she spent more than one hour laid on our stuff in the car.  It was funny and her story was rewarding.