Exmouth / Cape Range

Exmouth is a little city without interest except to get petrol and to get information about the region. We also need to cross the city to access to Cape Range National Park.


Cape Range National Park proposed withe sandy beaches and the Indian ocean on one side of the road, an on the other one there are hills and gorges. It's in Cape Range that we had our first snorkeling experience in Australia. The most well-known spot is Turquoise Bay where we saw turtles, starfishes, a shark and  multi-colors fishes and corals in a turquoise water.


We also trekked along the gorge with a view on the national park and the ocean. Hundreds of pink, black and white cockatoos were living in the park as thousands of kangaroos, emus, goannas,....

During the evening, we went to fish and to observe turtles which were getting their head above the water during the sunset.  When dusk falls, we reached our campsite in the park but we had to drive at maximum 10km/h due to hundreds of kangaroos along the road. Indeed, they come out during the night to feed themselves.