
First real stop since Darwin, we were impressed by Broome for many reasons.


- First of all, for its white sand beach (Cable beach) where we discovered for the first time the Indian ocean and its warm water. A little bit further, it was possible to have a ride on the beach on a camel.


- Then, for all the colors we saw in Gantheaume. Indeed, this point is known for dinosaurs footprint dating from 120 millions years, but we overall admired colors, the ocean, multi-colors crabs and the view on Broome.


- Next for the 'staircase to the moon'. This optical illusion can be seen 2 times per months between march and October; people from all Australia come to see this phenomenon. We chose to observe it  in the Mangrove Hotel Resort  where we had the best seat possible with a cold beer and the sound of didgeridoo behind us to add magical to this strange phenomenon. The staircase to the moon starts with a moonrise and then, just one shine will be reflected on the sea and we have the illusion that there is a stair to climb until the moon. (voir photos ici)


- Finally, for the nights in Willie Creek. We spent 3 nights in this wonderful place. The first night we slept next to Willie creek, on a desert beach unwillingly. Indeed, we were stocked on the beach, again, due to a very deep soft sand. When we arrived, we had in front of us the Indian Ocean with the sunset and behind us the full moon. To accompany this moment, we cooked a huge fresh salmon filet and opened a cold beer and then, slept on the beach. It was wonderful. However, the next day was not that pleasant, Indeed, we had to dig with a shovel to bring out the car from the sand with a strong sun and with temperature around 30°c.

We spent the 2 other nights at Willie Creek which was next to a famous pearl culture where tours were organised to explain the evolution of the pearl business. The place was amazing and the tide impressed us. Indeed, when we went to bed, the sea was kilometers far from us, and there was just a canal at 100 meters from us which was deep and we had vegetation around us. But when we woke up, it was the high tide and we had water at 10 meters from us, and trees were udner the water.

We had good time in Willie Creek and Kamilia tried to fish for her first time!