1 hour and 15 minutes after a road surrounded by the rainforest and fields of exotic fruits as far as our eyes can see, I finally arrived in Atherton. The city center formed by only one street reflected the tropical climate of the region and revealed many damaged buildings.


I spent my first month at Grand Hotel. Comfort there was very rudimentary but the ambiance was amazing and I could meet  a lot of great people. When I first arrived there, I questioned myself to know what I could possibly do in this godforsaken country. After 2 weeks, I felt already better about the place and one month later it just felt like I was home. Today, I consider Atherton as my second hometown.


After having spent 1 month and a half in the working hostel, I decided to leave it. It should be known that we had to pay 260$ a week for the accommodation: they justified the price by the fact that they were finding us jobs and that they drove us to the farms. All this to say it was already robbery when we had a job so imagine without working...


So we decided to move in together with my Italian friend Matteo and join Marco and Nika in a "caravan park". The caravan park was mostly comprised of caravans but also of units given a little more comfort. We stayed 1 month  and I shared the trailer with Matteo. The huge cockroaches and spiders left after Matteo sprayed 2 entire bottle of repellent in our little unit. However it was not the worst: Indeed, Australians were living in the caravan park were completely disgusting and for this reason we decided to left one month later. The good things were all the wallabies who were coming at night and flights of millions giant bats  every night. After the caravan park I moved in Mareeba.


During our days-off we go to:


- The lake Eacham: During the weekend many families come to swing and to enjoy facilities as barbecues on this place. This lake is situated in an old volcano in the middle of a forest. Two leap are also present. One is just 5 meter and the other one is 16 meters.


- Mia Mia Falls: This 20 meters waterfall is located in the middle of a forest and you can swim enjoying waterfall sprays. 


- Josephine Falls: This waterfall included few floor and it's well-know for it "slide". In fact, the rock has been polished by the water and it slick as a tobbogan and you can slide on it stand or sit.


- Emerald Creek: This creek close to Mareeba gives an amazing view on heights. After climbing few meters, you can find a little place to bathe .


Many more places exist to enjoy this region that I left half-June 2015.


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